Dahir n° 1-03-59 du 10 rabii I 1424 (12 mai 2003) portant promulgation de la loi n° 11-03 relative à la protection et à la mise en valeur de l’environnement ; Dahir n° 1-14-09 du 4 joumada I 1435 (6 mars 2014) portant promulgation de la loi cadre n° 99-12 portant charte nationale de l’environnement et du développement durable ; Décret N° 2.19.452 du 14 dou al kiada 1440 (17 juillet 2019), portant organisation de la commission nationale du développement durable ; Décret n° 2-19-721 du 3 ramadan 1441 (27 avril 2020) portant création de la commission nationale des changements climatiques et de la diversité biologique ; Stratégie Nationale de Développement Durable (SNDD).
1.1. University Mohammed 6 Polytechnic (UM6P) wishes to help improve the quality of people’s life without compromising that of others and that of future generations. In this context, UM6P fully engages in a sustainable development approach.
1.2. Faced with the environmental, social and economic challenges of sustainable development, UM6P intends to:
1.2.1. Provide university and executive trainings of quality and cutting-edge research activities in its multidisciplinary fields of intervention;
1.2.2. Sustain its activities and reduce its ecological footprint through the application of sustainable and responsible operating, management and governance practices;
1.2.3. Stimulate the sharing of expertise on the regional, national and international levels and contribute to innovative initiatives in the field of Sustainable Development.
2.1. This Policy applies to all administrative, training and research units of UM6P as well as to members of the university community.
2.2. UM6P applies its Sustainable Development Policy as part of its mission, to university activities, within the limits of its scope and in compliance with the laws and regulations in force.
The UM6P Sustainable Development Policy aims to:
3.1. Ensure the coherence and effectiveness of the institutional actions implemented in terms of Sustainable Development, in coordination with the UM6P community as well as its various local and regional and international partners, in accordance with institutional policies and regulations and in compliance with the laws in force;
3.2. Ensure the adherence of members of the UM6P community to the values of Sustainable Development as well as to its policy and objectives so as to stimulate their commitment through concrete actions;
3.3. Foster sustainable outcomes in its training and research activities, as well as in its community life, day-to-day operations and land use planning;
3.4. Contribute to solutions to African issues in terms of Sustainable Development;
3.5. Inspire UM6P in its actions and its strategy towards achieving its objectives through the prism of Sustainable Development.
4.1. University activity: All research, training and knowledge dissemination activities, as well as any activity related to the work of members of the university community, held in university places to serve the institution’s mission, excluding service providers who work on the UM6P campus.
4.2. Sustainable development: Sustainable Development is expressed by the sustainability and improvement of present and future generations and is achieved by a balance between the efforts invested in the living environment (environment), the way of living (society) and the standard of living (economy). Sustainable Development aims to ensure that the interaction and complementarity between the issues of environment, modes and standards of living are taken into account by all actors in the environment and guide the decision-making processes and the actions that result from them.
4.3. University location: Any building, land or premises under the responsibility of UM6P.
4.4. Members of the university community: Refers to any person and organization working for and within the framework of the achievement of UM6P’s mission.
Guiding Principles
5.1. UM6P aims to be a bench test for Sustainable Development, where it collaborates with the various stakeholders of society in order to experiment and implement new approaches, technologies or ways of doing things on Sustainable development.
5.2. The planning of UM6P’s strategic objectives takes into account its commitment to act in a sustainable manner, with a view to ensuring its viability, the development of its members, the influence of its culture, as well as respect and the achievement of its mission.
5.3. The Sustainable Development process is based on the members of the university community understanding of the living environment issues, the way of living and the standard of living of the populations, through their commitment to the approach implemented by UM6P and by their participation in the actions taken within the framework of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Policy.
5.4. The improvement of current processes and practices, innovation and creativity in management practices and current operations are at the heart of Sustainable Development to be highly valued therein.
5.5. The enhancement, improvement and development of the natural, real-estate, cultural and intellectual heritage of UM6P evolve from a perspective of Sustainable Development.
5.6. People are at the center of the Sustainable Development goals and, in this sense, maintaining and improving their quality of life and their health remains an essential objective.
5.7. The acquisition, production, use and disposal of the resources required for the achievement of UM6P’s mission must be done efficiently and in such a way as to minimize their ecological footprint and their adverse impacts on the environment.
5.8. UM6P regularly monitors its achievements in terms of Sustainable Development, which is part of a continuous improvement process.
5.9.UM6P invests in improving its ability to acquire and transmit its knowledge in Sustainable Development and strives to transpose it within the university community as well as society.
Areas of Intervention
5.10.The Governance and the integration of Sustainable Development into institutional orientations and operations
5.10.1. Taking into account Sustainable Development and its challenges when developing and implementing institutional strategic orientations.
5.10.2.Working with the various UM6P partners with a view to implement the concept of the Sustainable Development test bench at UM6P and thus setting up new approaches, technologies and ways of doing things in that area.
5.10.3.Promoting Sustainable Development within the university community and supporting the execution of projects as well as the concretization of individual and collective actions to this effect.
5.11. Integration of Sustainable Development in training
5.11.1.Integrating Sustainable Development concepts into training activities according to the students’ field of study.
5.11.2.Applying the knowledge of Sustainable Development in UM6P operations and the development of the institution.
5.12. Research
5.12.1. Encouraging research on issues related to Sustainable Development.
5.12.2.Promoting research practices inspired by the objectives and principles of the Sustainable Development Policy.
5.13. UM6P Operations
5.13.1.Ensuring UM6P’s financial health through efficient and responsible management, the enhancement of the rational use of existing resources and the establishment of promising partnerships with the community.
5.13.2.Using and acquiring goods and services responsibly, taking into account, specifically, their ecological footprint and their life cycle.
5.13.3.Integrating Sustainable Development into the development and maintenance plans of UM6P’s infrastructure.
5.13.4.Ma naging water and energy consumption responsibly and prioritizing energy sources with low impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
5.14. Lifestyle and Environment
5.14.1.Promoting healthy lifestyles in the university community, particularly in terms of good nutrition, stress management and physical activity.
5.14.2.Promoting the involvement of community members in various social and humanitarian causes.
5.14.3.Promoting the health, safety and quality of the working, study and living environment.
5.14.4.Promoting sustainable means of transportation.
5.14.5.Promoting actions allowing openness to the world and experiences across borders, particularly in the area of Sustainable Development.
5.14.6.Promoting Sustainable Development as an element of the organizational culture of the institution.
5.14.7.UM6P is committed to respecting and promoting the following principles: the necessary resources to become an inclusive environment in its practices aiming to empower and include each and everyone with respect, dignity and recognition of human rights and freedoms, without distinction, nor exclusion, nor preference based on ethnicity, skin color, sex, gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion, political beliefs, language, social status and/or disability. UM6P works to create diverse and inclusive work and study environments; is committed to maintaining a healthy work and study environments free from violence, harassment, sexual harassment, abuse and discrimination; person has the right to be treated with respect and to study or to work in a healthy environment, free from any form of violence, harassment, discrimination, or abuse. manifestation of physical violence, harassment, discrimination, or abuse of power or trust is tolerated at UM6P. management of UM6P implements a healthy work and study environments by focusing on conflicts prevention and management. advocates the responsibility of everyone in maintaining a healthy living environment: everyone has the responsibility to denounce a situation of violence, harassment, discrimination or abuse that they witness. complaint related to violence, harassment, discrimination or abuse is handled with diligence, confidentiality and fairness.
5.15. To achieve the objectives of UM6P’s Sustainable Development policy, the following should be submitted for approval by the President of the university:
5.15.1. Institutional targets for Sustainable Development.
5.15.2.Indicators allowing the monitoring of target achievement evolution and the institutional dashboard updating in terms of Sustainable Development.
5.15.3.The three-year action plan developed by the UM6P Sustainable Development working group in consultation with the various entities and members of the institution.
5.15.4.The annual report presenting the accomplishments and performances obtained according to the Sustainable Development framework recognized and adopted by the institution.
6.1. All members of UM6P community have the responsibility to respect, comply with, and participate in the implementation of the present Institutional Sustainable Development Policy.
6.2. UM6P is committed to carrying out this policy by ensuring that the necessary resources to achieve the set objectives are mobilized, by promoting participation, responsibility, and engagement at all hierarchy levels, and by valuing each person’s skills.
6.3. The application of the Sustainable Development Policy is the responsibility of the President of UM6P, and its implementation is coordinated by the Sustainable Development Department of UM6P, which reports to the Office of the President.